We are still coming to terms with the events in Ukraine. Our close friends and colleagues Gennady and Kyrylo are in Ukraine and they and their families are threatened every day by the Russian onslaught. We worry about them constantly.
In the new reality there is little we can do to support the communities affected by the Chernobyl accident, but we are keeping going with the ATOMIK spirits project. Though the social enterprise is still in debt, we have made a small profit this year (only Neil, our accountant, knows how this works). So we are going to make a £15000 donation (all our profits so far) to support Ukrainian refugees.

This year's flavours straight from the Ivankiv and Narodichi regions around Chernobyl
We were lucky to get our 2021 batch of Apple Spirit plus two new flavours - Pear and Plum - into the UK in January. Our friends at GAU-Radioanalytical have (for free) kindly done the extensive radioanalytical work on the new batches and confirm that they can find no detectable Chernobyl radioactivity.

Our friends Dave and Phil from GAU-Radioanalytical with their super-duper gamma spectrometer.
The new batches will be going up on the website soon. Unfortunately we can still only deliver to the UK but are still working on delivery in other countries.