Our Team
Jim Smith is Professor of Environmental Science at Portsmouth University. He has studied the Chernobyl accident since 1990, doing his PhD on Chernobyl radiocaesium in the English Lake District. He first visited Ukraine in 1994 when he started working with Gennady.
Gennady Laptev is Head of the Radiometric Laboratory at the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute. He is a Chernobyl "liquidator" having first worked there in 1986 doing helicopter based dosimetric surveys.
Kyrylo Korychensky is a geologist and radiochemist currently completing his PhD at the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute. Kyrylo's family has long experience of distillation and Kyrylo produced the first experimental bottle of ATOMIK spirit.
Monica Alferez Calvo is a Consultant Psychiatrist having worked over 20 years for the National Health Service. She produced the artwork for ATOMIK. Monica and Jim are married.
Neil Smith is a qualified accountant who held senior positions in Finance at energy company E.ON before taking early retirement in 2016. Neil is Secretary of The Orwell Society. Neil and Jim are brothers.